One of the topics seen in every volume of the Great Speckled Bird is the progression of the New Left Movement. Articles addressing this topic can range anywhere from updating its readers on the recent successes or roadblocks of the movement, spreading awareness on how readers can participate, to discussing the spread of the movement internationally. Volume 16 of the Bird includes pieces that touch on all of these.
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This short article is written about an editor of a prominent newspaper, the Constitution, who resigned from his job. This event was significant because the editor, Eugene Patterson, had just started becoming more tolerant of the New Left movement. He had just made the statement, “it is at least time to turn from fatuous politics and unconcern and to listen, and try to understand what is behind it.” (Page 2) This was a departure from the popular conservative ideology that they would not pay attention to the nonsense youth movements. Writers at the Bird even felt that “congratulatory words” were in order for Patterson. However, shortly after the breakthrough, Patterson resigned due to the recent resignation of his colleague and his disagreement with the newspaper, prioritizing advertisements over news. Writers at the Bird were disappointed in this event, as it likely meant someone with more conservative views would take over the role.
“Patterson Passes” demonstrated the frustrating challenge that the New Left movement faced in gaining recognition and credibility from big news companies. It was rare for someone at one of the big newspapers to think that their movement deserved the time of day, so it became even more frustrating when this person left his job. This piece also highlights one of the main goals of the movement, acceptance from big news agencies.
Pictured on the right: Eugene Patterson

The Delano grape strike had just entered its fourth month. Workers on grape farms were striking for better agricultural labor relations. Its impact was beginning to be felt by California grape growers, and support for the movement was as necessary as ever. One of the representatives from the Boycott Committee, Jane Brown, was calling for help from all across the country, including Atlanta. Underneath the call to action was an information box that said, “A committee to aid the farmworkers is being formed in the Atlanta area. The first meeting is planned for October 10th. Call Gene Guerrero at 892-7891 or write box 7946. Atlanta 30309 for the time and location.” (Page 3)
“Huelga! Grape Strike” is an excellent example of how the Great Speckled Bird was used to unite the New Left movement across the country. Without newsgroups like the Bird, it would be much harder for Brown to rally support from communities across the country. This call to action also signifies the solidarity of the movement across the US. Brown had confidence that college students from the southeast would support the campaign, even though it had little to do with them.